Where Do Cubs Badges Go
Cub Scouts is an exciting educational program that enables young boys and girls to develop important life skills, build character and form lasting friendships. As part of the journey, Scouts have the opportunity to earn a variety of school badges that recognize their different achievements.
Where to Sew Cub Scouts Badges
Cub Scouts badges are a source of pride for young members of the scouting movement. These badges represent the achievements, skills, and experiences gained by Cubs throughout their journey.
In the UK, there are specific guidelines and recommendations for the placement of Cub Scouts badges. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your child's badges are displayed correctly, highlighting their accomplishments and dedication to the scouting community.
The Cub Scouts badges can be divided into two main categories: position badges and activity badges. Position badges indicate the role and rank of the Cub Scout, while activity badges signify their participation and achievements in various activities and interests.

Position Badges:
Group Name Tape: The group name tape is sewn on the left sleeve of the Cub Scout's uniform. It typically displays the name of the Scout group they belong to.
Membership Badge: The membership badge, which features the iconic fleur-de-lis emblem, is placed on the right sleeve, just below the shoulder. This badge signifies the child's membership in the Cub Scouts.
Moving-On Award: If your child has received the Moving-On Award, it is worn on the right sleeve, below the membership badge. This badge indicates that the Cub Scout is ready to progress to the next section of scouting.
Activity Badges:
Activity badges are sewn on the uniform's right sleeve, below the membership badge and the Moving-On Award. These badges represent the various skills and achievements gained by Cubs through participation in activities such as swimming, camping, first aid, and more. There is no specific order for sewing these badges, so you can arrange them as desired, creating a unique display of your child's accomplishments.
It's important to note that while some badges are earned and sewn onto the uniform, others are temporary, such as event badges or challenge badges, which are usually worn on a blanket or sash. These temporary badges can be attached to a blanket using badge pins or sewn onto a fabric sash, which is often worn during special ceremonies or events.
How to Sew Cub Scout Badges on a Uniform
Sewing Cub Scout Badges on a Jumper:
Gather the badges: Start by collecting the badges your Cub Scout has earned and wishes to display on their jumper.
Prepare the jumper: Lay the jumper flat on a clean and sturdy surface. Ensure that it is smoothed out, making it easier to position the badges accurately.
Position the badges: Follow the guidelines mentioned earlier to place the badges correctly on the jumper. Use a small piece of double-sided tape or safety pins to temporarily secure the badges in place.
Thread the needle: Select a strong thread that matches the color of the uniform. Thread a needle, leaving a double strand of thread and tying a knot at the end.
Sew the badges: Starting from the backside of the jumper, push the needle through the fabric, securing it to the badge. Use small, neat stitches around the edge of the badge to attach it securely. Repeat this process for each badge, removing any temporary tape or pins as you go.
Secure loose threads: After sewing on all the badges, trim any loose threads and make sure all the knots are secure.
How to Earn Cub Scout Badges

Consult the Cub Scout Handbook:
The Cub Scout Handbook is an invaluable resource that outlines the requirements for each badge. It provides detailed information on the skills, knowledge, and activities necessary to earn a particular badge. The handbook is tailored to each age group within Cub Scouts (e.g., Beavers, Wolf Cubs, Bear Cubs), ensuring age-appropriate challenges and learning opportunities.
Attend Den Meetings:
Den meetings are the heart of Cub Scouting. They are usually held weekly and provide a platform for scouts to engage in activities, learn new skills, and work on badge requirements together. Den leaders play a crucial role in guiding scouts through the badge-earning process, offering support and assistance along the way.
Set Goals and Make a Plan:
Encourage your Cub Scout to set goals for badge achievement. Help them prioritize the custom badges they are most interested in earning. Work together to create a plan that outlines the steps needed to complete the requirements for each badge. This approach ensures a structured and organized approach to earning badges.
Participate in Activities and Events:
Many badge requirements involve participating in specific activities or events. Engage in den activities, attend camps, go on hikes, take part in community service projects, and explore the diverse range of opportunities offered by Cub Scouts. These experiences not only contribute to badge requirements but also foster personal growth, teamwork, and a sense of adventure.
Seek Guidance and Mentoring:
Cub Scout leaders and experienced scouts can provide valuable guidance and mentoring throughout the badge-earning process. They can share their knowledge, provide demonstrations, and offer advice to help scouts meet the requirements and master new skills. Don't hesitate to reach out for assistance when needed.
Keep Track of Progress:
Maintaining a record of badge requirements and tracking progress is essential. Use a badge tracking sheet or a notebook to keep track of completed requirements, dates, and any additional notes. This approach helps both scouts and leaders stay organized and ensures that all requirements are met before badge completion.
Demonstrate Mastery:
Each badge has specific requirements that need to be completed to demonstrate mastery of a skill or topic. Encourage your Cub Scout to practice and hone their skills until they are confident in their abilities. Whether it's learning first aid techniques, improving outdoor survival skills, or showcasing artistic talents, mastery is key to earning badges.
Attend Badge Ceremonies:
Badge ceremonies are special occasions where scouts are recognized and rewarded for their hard work and achievement. These ceremonies provide a sense of accomplishment, boost self-esteem, and foster a sense of belonging within the Cub Scouts community. Attend badge ceremonies and celebrate your Cub Scout's achievements alongside fellow scouts and their families.
Embrace the Journey:
Earning Cub Scout badges is a journey of discovery, growth, and fun. Encourage your Cub Scout to embrace the process, enjoy the activities, and savor the sense of accomplishment that comes with each badge earned. The journey itself is filled with memorable experiences and lifelong lessons.